Muscadine Bloodline is a country music duo formed in 2015 by Gary Stanton and Charlie Muncaster, both natives of Mobile, Alabama. The duo developed a friendship while sharing the bill on a show at Soul Kitchen Music Hall in 2012. To date They have released 6 EPs and 3 full albums. With some of their Biggest Hits of late being “Me on You” – Single 2022, “Porch Swing Angel” – Single 2016 and more.
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Proudly independent and unapologetically Southern, country duo Muscadine Bloodline find their true voice on their upcoming new album, Dispatch to 16th Ave. Charlie Muncaster and Gary Stanton grew up in Mobile, Alabama, but didn’t cross paths until they each started to pursue their musical dreams. In 2012, they forged a friendship when Stanton opened a show for Muncaster’s band at Soul Kitchen in Mobile. Charlie’s contemporary vocals complimented by Gary’s harmonies and masterful guitar licks showcase a powerfully refreshing mix of talent, passion and unfiltered authenticity. Since naming themselves Muscadine Bloodline in 2015, they’ve had two Billboard-charting critically-acclaimed EP’s, have sold out shows across the country, opened concerts for hundreds of artists and earned a standing ovation at their Grand Ole Opry debut in 2018. The guys’ Southern roots carry over to their band name as well: Muscadine grapes grow in the South while Bloodline represents their heritage.
Tour Info
We just recently saw Muscadine Bloodline in concert and let me tell you it was quite the show, all of us at Texas Country Music News suggest you catch these guys in Concert.
Everything Else
Be sure to grab Some Merch or a VIP Experience with these guys and make sure you support them if you are a fan.